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Rules for Managing International Students’ Catering Room at NIT

发布时间:2022-05-02 15:21:00     点击量:


      We suggest international students have meals in the students' canteen, and the catering room for international students is used as the auxiliary place for international students dining, for the use of international students only, not open to any other units or individuals. In order to regulate the use of catering room and guarantee the safety, order and hygiene, the following provisions are hereby made:



International students should maintain the cleanliness of the catering room all the time and anyone who violates the rules after a warning would not be allowed to continue using the catering room.



All the facilities (e.g. water and power utilities, microwave, induction cooker, fridge) should be used properly. Removing and modifying the facilities are not allowed. If you loss anything or see any equipment broken, please report to residence assistant. If one carelessly breaks any public equipment in the catering room, you have to replace it by buying new one.



The catering room must be kept clean the way it is before you started using it, if one messes up the catering room after using it without cleaning it, you will be warned and any future violation you would be stopped from using the catering room. When using the catering room drainage facilities, do not dump leftovers into the sink to prevent the blocking of drains.



Personal items should not occupy the public area. After using facilities of the catering room, please put away all personal belongings and clean up the leftover to avoid affecting others. Staff has the right to deal with the items after warning.



Be careful with the use of water and electricity in the catering room, wasting resources won’t be tolerated and any violation will attract penalty.


You shouldn’t jump queue if there are other people in the catering room waiting to use it before you. Respect the cuisine culture of different countries.


No pets or animals are allowed in the catering room and smoking and drinking in the catering room is prohibited. Anyone who violates this rule will not be allowed to continue using the catering room.


Each international student will have the key to the catering room, please keep your key properly. it’s not allowed to hand over your key to outsiders. If the key missed, please report to the residence assistant.


Please maintain the cleanliness of the catering room after cooking and make sure that the power is off.

、留学生要妥善保管个人储物柜的钥匙,如有遗失,须照价赔偿。离校时,须交还储物柜钥匙并确保储物柜的干净完整,如有损坏,将照价赔偿; 以上规定,若有违者,一次给予警告,两次以上,取消其生活间使用资格。

Each international student should properly keep your key of personal locker in the catering room. When leave campus, you should return the key and make sure the locker is clean and functional. If you loss the key or cause any damage to the locker, you need to pay for it.

上一条:Implementation Guidance of Nanchang Institute of Technology on Undergraduate Cultivation for International Students (Trial) 下一条:Preparation before coming to China